Social responsibility

Project "WASH"

Project: WASH was first presented and proposed at the annual meeting of United VARs in April 2019. It was then that United VARs and member company executives agreed to support fundraising to finance clean water systems in Cambodian schools.

Members of the United VARs Alliance agreed to donate 0.1 percent of their revenue. The goal is to collect enough money to install at least one clean water system. In turn, SAP also decided to take part in the initiative and pledged to donate 20.000 euros.

United VARs offered to participate in the initiative also to employees of partner companies, so company conveyed the offer to its employees. Moreover, anyone can join the charity - a personal contribution will never be superfluous, and even a small donation can help move the initiative forward. To donate money, go to

Company with SAP and United VARs supported the CSR Project WASH. You can see some impact of the project in this video. Together we fund clean water systems in Cambodian schools.

Support for Orsha school

Together with Belarusian High Technology Parks company participates in educational projects. With the help of Belarus' leading technology companies, the High Technology Park opens  STEM-centers all over the country. STEM-centres are classrooms opened on the basis of secondary schools, where children under the guidance of specially trained teachers can study the main STEM directions for free. The abbreviation STEM is deciphered as follows:  S - science (science), T - technologies (technology), E - engineering (engineering), M - mathematics. 

In STEM-class curious and talented children can discover the fun world of programming, robotics, learn 3D modeling and other skills without which it will soon be difficult to imagine life in modern society. 

Company holds the patronage of School №17 in Orsha. With our help the school purchases 3D printers, sets for the press, designers Lego WeDo and other educational tools for schoolboys which usually school in small towns cannot afford.

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